Si vous aimez jouer a Civilization II, mais êtes ennuyé par l'intelligence artificielle, fatigué d'écraser l'ordinateur même en déité, et que vous aimeriez affronter des adversaires plus valables, vous êtes au bon endroit. En effet, ce site est consacré à un programme vous permettant d'affronter d'autres humains. Bienvenue dans le monde de MultiPlayerCiv2.

MultiPlayerCiv2 vous permet de jouer à plusieurs sur Civilization II. Il fonctionne en Hotseat (un seul ordinateur, plusieurs joueurs), TCP/IP (internet), IPX/SPX, modem vers modem, et connection série.


MultiPlayerCiv2 1.3b est disponible.


  • Aucune.


"Version 1.1 works great. My brother and I played for about 4 hours yesterday through a TCP/IP connection."

"Did I mention that I love your MPCiv2? Well I do! Every time I play this game against my friends I find out more and more about it and discover new tactics I never even bothered to try against the computer."

"I've played MPCiv2 the whole day and it's awesome! Not a single crash or error occured. Great work!"

"It is my all time favorite game and your patch has increased my love for it." (It's not a patch. Let's call it an addon, or a third party utility.)

"I just downloaded MPCiv2, and It works great. My friend and I have already finished our first Multiplayer game. I've been waiting for someone to make this kind of program, and the system is great! Keep up the good work."

"Premiere impression: Excellent ! vraiment, l'interface etc de Multi CIV est excellente et tres conviviale pour les modifs du jeux... J'ai jouer un trentaine de tour avec un copain, et on a pas eu de problemes majeurs..."

"Hope you're having as good a time writing MPCiv2 as I have using it! Long awaited Diplomatic option is great! Can't wait for the network part! :)" (In fact, we always complained that we pass too much time writing MPCiv2, and not enought time playing it :)

"We are planning on playing the entire weekend (so far we've only put in 5 hours, and she's taking a break to fix us some cookies) - we love it that much."

"You are probably the one who's gonna make me buy Civ2. I never knew if it was possible to play Civ2 online, so I didn't buy it."

"Sure, it would be just great to be informed about a new release of  MPCiv2. Why? Simply because I like the program. I think it is VERY fascinating that you were able to do so in the first place." (It's far from perfect yet, but we're working on it)

"I was just browsing the web when I came across your page. A long time ago I downloaded one of the much earlier versions of MPCiv2 (it only had Hotseat mode). Boy was I impressed with what you've done over these past few months!" (And we have still some more ideas to implement...)

MultiPlayerCiv2 is copyright JAY Guillaume & LABASSE Sylvain 1997-98, and freely distributable according to a few conditions, written in the documentation files. Civilization II is copyright Microprose 1996.

These pages were created by Martin Sjöstrand, one of the fans to MultiPlayerCiv2.
Last update : February the 16th, 1998