MultiPlayerCiv2 version 1.2
Created by Guillaume JAY & Sylvain LABASSE

About MPCiv2:

MPCiv2 is a program that allows Civilization II to be played with multiple players, either on one computer, a local area network, or over the Internet.

Legal information:

Microprose is a Registered Trademark. Civilization II and Fantastic Worlds are trademarks of Microprose.

In no case will Guilaume Jay and Sylvain Labasse be liable for direct, indirect, or incidental damages resulting from any defect or omission in the software, documentations, or other related items and processes, including, but no limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business, anticipated profits, or other consequential damages.

[About MPCiv2] [Install and Uninstall] [Multiplayer Game] [Game in Progress]
Hints of use] [Registration] [The Story] [Thanks to] [Revision History]
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MultiPlayerCiv2 is copyright JAY Guillaume & LABASSE Sylvain 1997-1998, and freely distributable according to a few conditions, written in the documentation files. Civilization II is copyright Microprose 1996.

These pages were created by Martin Sjöstrand, one of the fans to MultiPlayerCiv2.