Installing and uninstalling MultiPlayerCiv2


Launch MPC2inst, then follow the displayed instructions.

First execution:

During the first execution of MultiPlayerCiv2, information supplied by default on the configuration window will probably have to be modified. To do so read the "Configuration" part.


- Click on "Control panel" under the "Start-menu" in Windows 95.
- Open "Install/Uninstall program".
- In the list of the page "Install/Uninstall", select MultiPlayerCiv2.
- Click on "Add/Remove".
- Confirm.

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MultiPlayerCiv2 is copyright JAY Guillaume & LABASSE Sylvain 1997-1998, and freely distributable according to a few conditions, written in the documentation files. Civilization II is copyright Microprose 1996.

These pages were created by Martin Sjöstrand, one of the fans to MultiPlayerCiv2.